Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Right when I think I can start putting away all of our snow clothes it decides to snow 18 inches! I am so ready for Spring to be here, it is ridiculous! On a positive note, we are getting more and more ready to be parents (not that we are in a hurry for the little guy to get here)! We are so excited though, we are planning on painting the nursery this weekend! It will be so much fun, I will post pictures as soon as it is all finished!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Getting ready for a baby!

There is so much to do before a baby comes, and I sit and think, of I have 18 weeks until he is here, and then I freak out... I have to get all of this stuff done in 18 weeks, that isn't very long! I am so excited though, my mom and I went maternity shopping this weekend because my jeans were getting a little too tight for my liking, so at least I am comfortable now! Here are the newest ultra sound pictures I have and my ever growing belly!

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