Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I know, I know... I am a slacker!

So a lot has gone on since I last updated! I got my tonsils out the week of Thanksgiving... that was a blast! Lucas is getting so BIG!!! he is in the 80 and 90 percentage on everything (yes that is including his head). It is amazing to see how much he is growing. I just discovered his first tooth today, he has been teething for a while now, and I am glad he is actually got proof for all of his suffering... the poor little guy, I am so glad that you don't remember what it feels like when you are older! Lucas for sure keeps us on our toes, he loves to jump in his jumper! It is amazing how much stronger it made his legs just in the first few days, and I have to say that it has been a life saver for me, it gives me time to finish getting ready in the mornings!
Here are some pictures of us from Thanksgiving and the batman shirt is from today! I can't believe how big he is!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time is flying by

I know, I know, I have been a huge slacker on blogging, but I have to tell you... being a mom keeps me busy! I am loving it! I can't believe that Lucas is already 12 weeks old! It has flown by! We had his 2 month check up last Wednesday ( I know he had his 2 month check up right before he turned 3 months... oh well!) and he is already 24 inches and 14 pounds! I can't believe how he is growing, it is so much fun to watch him grow and so sad at the same time... I love being able to scoop him up in my arms and just cuddle with him, I will be sad when he doesn't like to do that anymore. Jeremy can't wait for him to get just a little bit bigger so that he can start tossing him around (and scare me to death while doing so, oh well, boys will be boys). Jeremy had his first scare today, Lucas fell of the couch. Jeremy sat Lucas on the couch and went to Lucas' room to get him some diapers and all of a sudden we heard this horrendous screaming coming from the front room and we found him face down on the floor! He likes to kick his little legs and I am assuming that's what he did to get himself on the floor... poor little guy. Nothing is wrong with him it just scared the bajeebeze out of him! We are having so much fun with him, he loves making little cooing noises and just chatting it up with his mommy, and I have to say that I am loving being the favorite parent right now, I figure I might as well take advantage of it before he realizes that daddy is a lot more fun! ;)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby Lucas has arrived!

He finally came! On Saturday July 4, 2009 at 1:24 am our sweet little baby graced us with his presence! I went into the hospital on Friday afternoon at about 3:30 and was dialated to a 5.5 and 100% ephaised. we had the perfect view of the fireworks and I got to start pushing right after they ended. I pushed for 2 hours and we realized he wouldn't come on his own (I guess my pelvic bone is too high and is slanted) so he ended up coming c-section! He was born at 8.5 lbs and 21 1/2 inches long. HE is the most beautiful baby ever! I know, I know I am a little biased, but I have the right to be! :) The next day we found out he had jondas and he had to live in this little tanning bed type of a thing for 2 days, it was really sad, but now he is perfectly fine and jondas free!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Don't Worry...

And my feet have completely disappeared, the picture I have of them is less swollen then than they are now! Don't worry though, if he doesn't come on his own, they will take me in on Thursday!

This is Jeremy's foot next to mine, see how you can see the bones in his feet, and there aren't any in mine! Weird huh!
I know, not a cute pic and my shirt is barely covering my belly at this point, but I refuse to buy any more maternity clothes when I am so close to being done!

Monday, June 15, 2009

When will he get here?!?!

So for the most part I have been OK, and wanting to wait until his due date, but I would just like to say that it would be very, very nice to go into labor... oh maybe this week sometime! :) I think that I am one of the select few who has been very grateful for this rainy, cool weather. It would be so much worse if it were 95 degrees and I was feeling as uber pregnant as I am! On a sunny note, we need your help. We think that we have the final names picked out but we need help on a deciding count! So here they are and let us know which ones you like the best (I know, I know, I am due anytime now and we are just barely narrowing it down)!
Fill in the blank:
________ Brian Maughan
  • Ewan
  • Ryker
  • Lucas
  • Boston

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sweet Lilly Photography

So I entered this contest to get a free picture session from Sweet Lilly photgraphy! She does such an amazing job, everyone should go to her website and check it out, it is http://www.simplybephoto.com/wordpress/
Wish me luck, hope we get it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mothers Day!

I have the sweetest husband! I went shopping last week and I had found this wreath that I had wanted for a really long time so I bought it and when I got home I told Jeremy thank you for my mother's day wreath! He laughed and said, "well good now I don't have to try and think of something for you!" So that was that! Well I woke up on Mother's day to this beautiful bouquet of flowers and a really cute card! I have to tell you, I know I am hormonal and everything now, but the card made me cry, he was so sweet! It made my whole week! That day we had Jer's mom and brothers come over for a mother's day BBQ and after they all played rock band, they were so funny that I had to take pictures of all of them! All in all, it was a wonderful first mothers day!

My beautiful flowers!

James rockin' the guitar!

Annie singing her heart out with her boys!

Bill and Jeremy kickin' butt!

Oh yeah I forgot, I have a new picture of my updated belly, it is getting so BIG!!!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Nursery is FINISHED!

So we finally got the nursery finished and I am so excited! We got the last of the furniture last night, and I was so excited to be able to put all of his clothes in drawers instead of totes! It is so nice to be able to have this done, we have been working on it for a while now so it is a relief to finally have it finished! Anywho, here are the pictures of his room... now if we could just figure out a name for him!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Right when I think I can start putting away all of our snow clothes it decides to snow 18 inches! I am so ready for Spring to be here, it is ridiculous! On a positive note, we are getting more and more ready to be parents (not that we are in a hurry for the little guy to get here)! We are so excited though, we are planning on painting the nursery this weekend! It will be so much fun, I will post pictures as soon as it is all finished!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Getting ready for a baby!

There is so much to do before a baby comes, and I sit and think, of I have 18 weeks until he is here, and then I freak out... I have to get all of this stuff done in 18 weeks, that isn't very long! I am so excited though, my mom and I went maternity shopping this weekend because my jeans were getting a little too tight for my liking, so at least I am comfortable now! Here are the newest ultra sound pictures I have and my ever growing belly!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We found out what baby M is!

Well it is official, we are having a little baby boy! We are so excited! The nurse said to plan on the end of June for him to come... I am not holding my breath, I am still planning on beginning of July! Everything is healthy, and developing like normal! It will be so much fun, this is the first boy for my family! What an adventure!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Boy or Girl?

So I am totally going to copy one of my friends here in taking a poll (thanks Heather)! We get to find out what we are having in two weeks. I think it is a boy and Jeremy thinks it is a girl. What does everyone else think? Let us know. The Chinese calendar also says it is a girl.
Right now our current argument is what to name the baby (it isn't an argument so much as Jeremy continually trying to get me to pick his name). So we are thinking for a boy either Sawyer or Cruz and for a girl I want Sophia but Jeremy really wants Abigale. Anyways, everyone tell us what they think it is!

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